Post by Ellie on Feb 20, 2006 10:43:59 GMT
Ellie sat on the bed looking at nothing. Her arms around her legs and her head on her knees. Her face with no expresion and her eyes had a distant look. She didn't notice or hear anything. It was like her body was there, but her mind and spirit wasn;t.
Post by Daina, Jesse, Miss Elliott on Feb 20, 2006 10:55:26 GMT
Daina walked down the corridor with Jesse. Unfortunately for her, she still had to share a room with Ellie. There was also another girl, but she hadn't met her yet. Any other time she would have been nasty to Ellie, but she was DA and she could loose that right if she didn't treat the other girls with respect. Daina and Jesse were just back from the beach, and were going to head out to dinner with their mother. They had already been to Jesse's room, and he was dressed up to go out, but now Daina had to get ready. She ran into the room, and Jesse followed. Jesse sat down on the bed, while daina started to hoke through her make up box and drawers. The both of them ignored Ellie, and Daina ran into the bathroom to get ready. She had chose to wear a baby pink top, and a short white skirt, with her baby pink snow boots - a nice summary outfit.
Post by Ellie on Feb 20, 2006 11:03:02 GMT
Ellie didn't even notice the two come in. She stayed as she was. Tears soon falling from her eyes. She mumbled a few things to herself but the words seemed to mix and make no sense.
Post by Daina, Jesse, Miss Elliott on Feb 20, 2006 11:06:06 GMT
Jesse noticed her crying, though he didn't care, she had near killed his twin sister, so she would get no sympathy from him. 'Attention seeker' he thought. Daina walked out of the rom. Her sleek black hair was straightened, and the outfit sat on her beautifully. She through a nasty look at Ellie and sat on the bed beside Jesse, who helped her put on a beautiful necklace. He whispered something in her ear, and she giggled.
Post by Ellie on Feb 20, 2006 11:12:51 GMT
Ellie still hadn't notice anyone else was in the room. Her eyes fixed on one spot at the end of the bed. Her body tense. Help me. She mumbled not to those in the room, but to who she could hear but not see. There were some things no one knew about her, there were things she didn't know about herself. She would neaver say what she had if she knew anyone was there.